Flashcards on Muckrakers

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Who were the Muckrakers?

Journalists and writers who exposed corruption and social issues in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.

Which publication was known for publishing muckraking articles?

McClure's Magazine.

Who wrote 'The Jungle,' exposing the unsanitary conditions in the meatpacking industry?

Upton Sinclair.

Which muckraker published photographs in 'How the Other Half Lives' documenting the poverty in New York City?

Jacob Riis.

What was the main goal of the muckrakers?

To bring about social and political reforms by exposing corruption and injustice.

Who was known for their muckraking articles on Standard Oil and monopolies?

Ida Tarbell.

Which muckraker focused on child labor and wrote 'The Bitter Cry of Children'?

John Spargo.

Which president referred to the muckrakers as 'muckrakers'?

Theodore Roosevelt.

What impact did the muckrakers have on society?

They raised public awareness about social issues and led to important reforms.

Why were they called 'muckrakers'?

The term was first used by Theodore Roosevelt to describe their investigative journalism as 'raking the muck' of society.

What were some other notable muckrakers?

Lincoln Steffens, Ray Stannard Baker, Frank Norris.

Which book written by Rachel Carson exposed the harmful effects of pesticides?

Silent Spring.

Which muckraker advocated for better conditions in mental health institutions in his book 'A Mind That Found Itself'?

Clifford Whittingham Beers.

What role did muckrakers play in the Progressive Era?

They were instrumental in promoting social and political reforms during that time.

Which muckraker focused on political corruption in his book 'The Shame of the Cities'?

Lincoln Steffens.


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Test Your Knowledge

Who were the Muckrakers?

Which muckraker is known for exposing corruption in the meatpacking industry?

Who wrote 'How the Other Half Lives', documenting poverty in New York City?

Which president referred to the muckrakers as 'muckrakers'?

What impact did the muckrakers have on society?

Who wrote 'The Jungle'?

What was the main goal of the muckrakers?

Which muckraker focused on child labor?

Which book written by Rachel Carson exposed the harmful effects of pesticides?

What term did Theodore Roosevelt use to describe investigative journalists?

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