Flashcards on NAFTA

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What does NAFTA stand for?

North American Free Trade Agreement

Which countries are part of NAFTA?

Canada, Mexico, United States

When was NAFTA established?


What is the goal of NAFTA?

To promote free trade and economic cooperation among the member countries

What are some benefits of NAFTA?

Increased trade, job creation, lower prices for consumers

What are some criticisms of NAFTA?

Job losses, environmental concerns, widening income inequality

What is the current status of NAFTA?

The agreement was replaced by the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA) in 2020.

What was the main purpose of NAFTA?

To eliminate trade barriers between the member countries

Which industries were affected by NAFTA?

Automotive, agriculture, manufacturing

What role did NAFTA play in boosting trade between the member countries?

NAFTA eliminated most tariffs and trade barriers, allowing for increased trade between Canada, Mexico, and the United States.

What is the significance of NAFTA?

It is one of the largest free trade agreements in the world.

Which country benefited the most from NAFTA?


How did NAFTA impact the Mexican economy?

NAFTA led to increased foreign investment and job growth in Mexico.

What were some concerns raised by critics of NAFTA?

Loss of jobs in the United States, unfair competition for Mexican farmers

How did NAFTA affect the agricultural sector?

NAFTA resulted in increased exports of agricultural products from the United States to Mexico and vice versa.


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Test Your Knowledge

When was NAFTA established?

Which countries are part of NAFTA?

What did NAFTA aim to achieve?

Which industry was impacted by NAFTA?

What replaced NAFTA?

What were some benefits of NAFTA?

What were some criticisms of NAFTA?

What is the current status of NAFTA?

Which country benefited the most from NAFTA?

What role did NAFTA play in promoting trade between member countries?

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