Flashcards on National Emergency in India (1975-1977)

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When was the National Emergency declared in India?

25th June 1975

Who was the Prime Minister of India during the 1975 Emergency?

Indira Gandhi

Under which article of the Indian Constitution was the 1975 Emergency declared?

Article 352

What was the official reason given for the 1975 Emergency?

Internal disturbance

How long did the National Emergency of 1975 last?

21 months

Which fundamental rights were suspended during the Emergency period?

Right to freedom, life, and personal liberty

What was the operation launched to control population growth during the Emergency?

Compulsory sterilization

Which political figure was arrested during the Emergency under MISA?

Jayaprakash Narayan

After the Emergency was lifted, which party won the 1977 general elections?

Janata Party

Which amendment was passed after the Emergency to prevent such a situation in the future?

44th Amendment

What was 'The Rowlatt Act' that provided similar powers to the government prior to Independence?

1919 Act authorizing detention without trial

Which party did Indira Gandhi belong to during the Emergency?

Indian National Congress

Who was the President of India who proclaimed the Emergency?

Fakhruddin Ali Ahmed

How did the Emergency affect the press?

Censorship was imposed

Which amendment during the Emergency period was criticized for being undemocratic?

42nd Amendment


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Test Your Knowledge

In which year was the National Emergency declared in India?

Who was India's Prime Minister during the National Emergency of 1975?

The Emergency declared in 1975 lasted for how many months?

The 44th Amendment was designed to:

Which right was most directly affected by the Emergency of 1975 in India?

What was the main reason given for proclaiming the National Emergency in 1975?

Who succeeded Indira Gandhi after the 1977 general elections post-Emergency?

What infamous campaign was associated with Sanjay Gandhi during the Emergency?

Which amendment is often referred to as the 'mini constitution' due to its significant changes?

During the Emergency, which party's government was dissolved in several states?

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