Flashcards on Nervous System and Neurons

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What is the main function of the nervous system?

To transmit and process information throughout the body.

What are neurons?

Specialized cells that transmit electrical impulses.

Name the two main divisions of the nervous system.

Central Nervous System (CNS) and Peripheral Nervous System (PNS).

What is the function of the central nervous system?

To process and coordinate information received from the senses.

What does the peripheral nervous system consist of?

Nerves and ganglia outside of the brain and spinal cord.

What are the three types of neurons?

Sensory neurons, motor neurons, and interneurons.

What is the function of sensory neurons?

To carry information from the senses to the central nervous system.

What is the function of motor neurons?

To carry signals from the central nervous system to muscles and glands.

What are interneurons?

Neurons that transmit signals between sensory and motor neurons.

What is a synapse?

The junction between two neurons where signals are transmitted.

What is the role of neurotransmitters?

To transmit signals across the synapse between neurons.

What is the function of the myelin sheath?

To insulate and protect axons, allowing for faster transmission of signals.

What is a reflex?

An involuntary and automatic response to a stimulus.

What is the role of the spinal cord?

To relay signals between the brain and the rest of the body.

What is the function of the brain?

To control body functions, thoughts, emotions, and behavior.


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Test Your Knowledge

What is the main function of the nervous system?

What are neurons?

Which divisions make up the nervous system?

What is the function of sensory neurons?

What is the role of neurotransmitters?

What is a reflex?

What is the function of the brain?

Which type of neuron carries signals from the central nervous system to muscles and glands?

What is the junction between two neurons where signals are transmitted called?

What is the function of the myelin sheath?

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