Flashcards on Nietzsche on Religion

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Who was Friedrich Nietzsche?

German philosopher known for his critiques of traditional European morality and religion.

What was Nietzsche's view on organized religion?

He saw it as a source of weakness that weakened the individual's will to power.

How did Nietzsche describe God?

He famously declared 'God is dead' to highlight the decline of traditional religious beliefs.

What term did Nietzsche use to describe the concept that man invented God?

He called it a 'fictional God' created to give meaning to existence.

What did Nietzsche believe was the cause of human suffering?

He argued that it was caused by the suppression of natural instincts by religious doctrines.

How did Nietzsche view the morality taught by religions?

He saw it as a slave morality that repressed individual creativity.

What did Nietzsche value as the highest human potential?

The 'overman' or 'superman' who could create his own values beyond good and evil.

What term did Nietzsche use to describe the self-overcoming of obstacles and challenges?

He termed it 'becoming who you are' or 'self-actualization'.

How did Nietzsche view asceticism, or self-denial?

He considered it a form of nihilism that denied life and its pleasures.

What did Nietzsche advocate for instead of traditional religious beliefs?

He suggested a 're-evaluation of all values' based on individual creativity and self-expression.


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What term did Nietzsche use to describe the concept that man invented God?

What did Nietzsche value as the highest human potential?

How did Nietzsche view asceticism, or self-denial?

What did Nietzsche advocate for instead of traditional religious beliefs?

How did Nietzsche describe God?

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