Flashcards on Nutritional Aspects of Pregnancy and Breastfeeding

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What nutrients are important during pregnancy?

Folic acid, iron, calcium, and omega-3 fatty acids

Why is folic acid important during pregnancy?

It helps prevent birth defects in the baby's brain and spine.

Which mineral is essential for the development of the baby's bones and teeth?


What is the recommended weight gain during pregnancy for a woman with a healthy pre-pregnancy weight?

25-35 pounds

What should pregnant women avoid consuming due to the risk of foodborne illnesses?

Raw or undercooked seafood, deli meats, and unpasteurized dairy products

Why is iron important during pregnancy?

It helps prevent anemia and supports the baby's growth and development.

Which nutrient plays a crucial role in the formation of the baby's brain and nervous system?

Omega-3 fatty acids

What is the recommended calorie intake increase during the second and third trimesters of pregnancy?

300-500 extra calories per day

What is gestational diabetes?

A form of diabetes that occurs during pregnancy and can affect both the mother and baby.

Which nutrient is important for the production of breast milk?


What types of seafood should pregnant women avoid due to high mercury levels?

Shark, king mackerel, swordfish, and tilefish

Why is it important for breastfeeding women to consume enough fluids?

Adequate hydration helps maintain milk production and prevents dehydration.

What nutrient is crucial for the development of the baby's eyes and vision?

Vitamin A

What is the recommended amount of caffeine intake during pregnancy?

Less than 200 mg per day

Why is it important for pregnant and breastfeeding women to maintain a balanced diet?

To ensure they receive all the necessary nutrients for their own health and the development of their baby.


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Test Your Knowledge

Which nutrient helps prevent birth defects in the baby's brain and spine?

What is the recommended weight gain during pregnancy for a woman with a healthy pre-pregnancy weight?

Which nutrient plays a crucial role in the formation of the baby's brain and nervous system?

What is the recommended calorie intake increase during the second and third trimesters of pregnancy?

What is gestational diabetes?

Which nutrient is important for the production of breast milk?

Why is it important for breastfeeding women to consume enough fluids?

What nutrient is crucial for the development of the baby's eyes and vision?

What is the recommended amount of caffeine intake during pregnancy?

Why is it important for pregnant and breastfeeding women to maintain a balanced diet?

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