Flashcards on Objection Handling

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What is objection handling?

Objection handling is the process of addressing and overcoming customer objections in a sales conversation.

What are some common objections in sales?

Common objections in sales include product price, product fit, competition, decision-making processes, and lack of trust.

Why is objection handling important?

Objection handling is important in sales because it allows the salesperson to effectively address customer concerns and close more deals.

What are three techniques for handling objections?

Three techniques for handling objections are acknowledging the objection, providing a solution, and reinforcing the benefits of the product or service.

What is the difference between a true objection and a false objection?

A true objection is a valid concern that the customer has about the product or service, while a false objection is an excuse or delay tactic that the customer uses to avoid making a decision.

How can you prevent objections from arising in the first place?

You can prevent objections from arising in the first place by thoroughly researching the prospect's needs and pain points, addressing potential objections before they arise, and building trust during the sales conversation.

What is the SPIN selling technique?

The SPIN selling technique is a method of asking questions to uncover the prospect's situation, problem, implication, and need-payoff, in order to understand their needs and pain points and tailor a solution.

What is the feel-felt-found technique?

The feel-felt-found technique is a way of empathizing with the prospect's objection, sharing a similar experience or customer story, and then explaining how that customer overcame the objection and benefited from the product or service.

How can you turn an objection into an opportunity?

You can turn an objection into an opportunity by understanding the root cause of the objection, providing an alternative solution, and showing how the objection can actually benefit the customer.

What is the take-away close?

The take-away close is a technique of offering to take away an aspect of the product or service that the prospect is objecting to, in order to make them realize its value and close the sale.

What is the urgency close?

The urgency close is a technique of creating a sense of urgency or scarcity around the product or service, in order to motivate the prospect to make a decision and overcome objections.

What is the assumptive close?

The assumptive close is a technique of assuming that the prospect has already made the decision to buy the product or service, and asking them how they would like to proceed with the purchase.

Why is active listening important in objection handling?

Active listening is important in objection handling because it shows the prospect that you are genuinely interested in understanding their concerns, builds rapport and trust, and allows you to uncover the root cause of the objection.

What are some common mistakes to avoid when handling objections?

Common mistakes to avoid when handling objections include getting defensive or argumentative, ignoring or trivializing the objection, failing to understand the root cause, and overselling or overpromising.

How can you follow up after overcoming an objection and closing a sale?

You can follow up after overcoming an objection and closing a sale by expressing gratitude, confirming next steps, and offering additional support or resources.

What is objection handling?

Objection handling is the process of addressing and overcoming customer objections in a sales conversation.

What are some common objections in sales?

Common objections in sales include product price, product fit, competition, decision-making processes, and lack of trust.

Why is objection handling important?

Objection handling is important in sales because it allows the salesperson to effectively address customer concerns and close more deals.

What are three techniques for handling objections?

Three techniques for handling objections are acknowledging the objection, providing a solution, and reinforcing the benefits of the product or service.

What is the difference between a true objection and a false objection?

A true objection is a valid concern that the customer has about the product or service, while a false objection is an excuse or delay tactic that the customer uses to avoid making a decision.

How can you prevent objections from arising in the first place?

You can prevent objections from arising in the first place by thoroughly researching the prospect's needs and pain points, addressing potential objections before they arise, and building trust during the sales conversation.

What is the SPIN selling technique?

The SPIN selling technique is a method of asking questions to uncover the prospect's situation, problem, implication, and need-payoff, in order to understand their needs and pain points and tailor a solution.

What is the feel-felt-found technique?

The feel-felt-found technique is a way of empathizing with the prospect's objection, sharing a similar experience or customer story, and then explaining how that customer overcame the objection and benefited from the product or service.

How can you turn an objection into an opportunity?

You can turn an objection into an opportunity by understanding the root cause of the objection, providing an alternative solution, and showing how the objection can actually benefit the customer.

What is the take-away close?

The take-away close is a technique of offering to take away an aspect of the product or service that the prospect is objecting to, in order to make them realize its value and close the sale.

What is the urgency close?

The urgency close is a technique of creating a sense of urgency or scarcity around the product or service, in order to motivate the prospect to make a decision and overcome objections.

What is the assumptive close?

The assumptive close is a technique of assuming that the prospect has already made the decision to buy the product or service, and asking them how they would like to proceed with the purchase.

Why is active listening important in objection handling?

Active listening is important in objection handling because it shows the prospect that you are genuinely interested in understanding their concerns, builds rapport and trust, and allows you to uncover the root cause of the objection.

What are some common mistakes to avoid when handling objections?

Common mistakes to avoid when handling objections include getting defensive or argumentative, ignoring or trivializing the objection, failing to understand the root cause, and overselling or overpromising.

How can you follow up after overcoming an objection and closing a sale?

You can follow up after overcoming an objection and closing a sale by expressing gratitude, confirming next steps, and offering additional support or resources.


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