Flashcards on Opression

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What is oppression?

Oppression is the unjust or cruel exercise of authority or power over others.

What are the different forms of oppression?

The different forms of oppression include racism, sexism, homophobia, classism, ableism, and ageism.

What are some examples of historical oppression?

Some examples of historical oppression include slavery, colonization, and apartheid.

How does oppression affect a society?

Oppression can lead to social unrest, conflict, and inequality within a society.

What is internalized oppression?

Internalized oppression is when marginalized individuals or groups begin to believe and act out the negative stereotypes and beliefs of their oppressors.

What is privilege?

Privilege refers to the advantages and benefits that are automatically accorded to individuals or groups based on their social status.

What is the difference between prejudice and oppression?

Prejudice refers to preconceived ideas or bias towards others based on their membership in a certain group. Oppression, on the other hand, is the systematic and institutionalized mistreatment of a group of people based on their social status.

What is intersectionality?

Intersectionality is the interconnected nature of social categories such as race, gender, sexuality, and class, which create overlapping and interdependent systems of oppression and discrimination.

What is cultural oppression?

Cultural oppression is the domination and subordination of one culture by another, resulting in the loss of cultural identity, values, and norms.

How can we combat oppression?

We can combat oppression through education, activism, allyship, and the creation of inclusive and equitable social systems.

What is system of oppression?

System of oppression are the repetitive and pervasive societal structures, institutions and processes that perpetuate widespread inequality, discrimination and racial injustice.

What is the difference between oppression and repression?

Oppression refers to the systematic mistreatment of a group of people, while repression refers to the use of force or violence to suppress political dissent, free speech, or human rights.

What are the psychological effects of oppression?

The psychological effects of oppression can include trauma, anxiety, depression, low self-esteem, and internalized oppression.

How does oppression contribute to social inequality?

Oppression allows certain groups to hold power and privilege at the expense of marginalized groups, resulting in a widening gap of social and economic inequality.

What is the role of privilege in oppression?

Privilege can often enable individuals or groups to perpetuate oppressive systems without realizing their impact on marginalized communities. Recognizing and examining privilege is therefore an important step towards combatting oppression.

What is oppression?

Oppression is the unjust or cruel exercise of authority or power over others.

What are the different forms of oppression?

The different forms of oppression include racism, sexism, homophobia, classism, ableism, and ageism.

What are some examples of historical oppression?

Some examples of historical oppression include slavery, colonization, and apartheid.

How does oppression affect a society?

Oppression can lead to social unrest, conflict, and inequality within a society.

What is internalized oppression?

Internalized oppression is when marginalized individuals or groups begin to believe and act out the negative stereotypes and beliefs of their oppressors.

What is privilege?

Privilege refers to the advantages and benefits that are automatically accorded to individuals or groups based on their social status.

What is the difference between prejudice and oppression?

Prejudice refers to preconceived ideas or bias towards others based on their membership in a certain group. Oppression, on the other hand, is the systematic and institutionalized mistreatment of a group of people based on their social status.

What is intersectionality?

Intersectionality is the interconnected nature of social categories such as race, gender, sexuality, and class, which create overlapping and interdependent systems of oppression and discrimination.

What is cultural oppression?

Cultural oppression is the domination and subordination of one culture by another, resulting in the loss of cultural identity, values, and norms.

How can we combat oppression?

We can combat oppression through education, activism, allyship, and the creation of inclusive and equitable social systems.

What is system of oppression?

System of oppression are the repetitive and pervasive societal structures, institutions and processes that perpetuate widespread inequality, discrimination and racial injustice.

What is the difference between oppression and repression?

Oppression refers to the systematic mistreatment of a group of people, while repression refers to the use of force or violence to suppress political dissent, free speech, or human rights.

What are the psychological effects of oppression?

The psychological effects of oppression can include trauma, anxiety, depression, low self-esteem, and internalized oppression.

How does oppression contribute to social inequality?

Oppression allows certain groups to hold power and privilege at the expense of marginalized groups, resulting in a widening gap of social and economic inequality.

What is the role of privilege in oppression?

Privilege can often enable individuals or groups to perpetuate oppressive systems without realizing their impact on marginalized communities. Recognizing and examining privilege is therefore an important step towards combatting oppression.


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