Flashcards on Oral Skills

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What are oral skills?

Oral skills refer to the ability to communicate effectively through speaking and listening.

Why are oral skills important?

Oral skills are important for effective communication, expressing ideas, and building relationships.

What are some examples of oral skills?

Examples of oral skills include public speaking, storytelling, active listening, and negotiating.

How can one improve their oral skills?

To improve oral skills, practice speaking in front of others, engage in conversations, listen actively, and seek feedback.

What is active listening?

Active listening is the ability to fully focus on and understand what someone is saying, without interrupting or being distracted.

What is public speaking?

Public speaking is the act of delivering a speech or presentation to an audience.

Why is storytelling important for oral skills?

Storytelling helps capture the attention of listeners, make information memorable, and convey emotions effectively.

What is negotiation?

Negotiation is the process of reaching an agreement through discussion and compromise.

What are the benefits of good oral skills?

Benefits of good oral skills include improved self-confidence, better job prospects, and stronger personal relationships.

How can oral skills be useful in the workplace?

Oral skills are useful in the workplace for presentations, meetings, teamwork, and customer interactions.

What is the difference between oral skills and written skills?

Oral skills involve speaking and listening, while written skills involve reading and writing.

How can one overcome anxiety when speaking in public?

To overcome anxiety, practice beforehand, focus on deep breathing, visualize success, and start with smaller audiences.

What is the role of body language in oral communication?

Body language, such as eye contact and gestures, can enhance or reinforce the message being communicated.

How can active listening improve oral skills?

Active listening helps in understanding the speaker's message, responding appropriately, and building rapport.

What are some common barriers to effective oral communication?

Common barriers include language barriers, distractions, lack of clarity, and communication styles.


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Test Your Knowledge

What are oral skills?

Why are oral skills important?

What is active listening?

What are some examples of oral skills?

How can one improve their oral skills?

What is public speaking?

Why is storytelling important for oral skills?

What is negotiation?

What are the benefits of good oral skills?

What is the difference between oral skills and written skills?

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