Flashcards on Pakistan History

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When did Pakistan gain independence?

Pakistan gained independence on August 14, 1947.

Who is known as the founder of Pakistan?

Muhammad Ali Jinnah is known as the founder of Pakistan.

Which country did Pakistan become independent from?

Pakistan became independent from British India.

What is the national language of Pakistan?

The national language of Pakistan is Urdu.

Who was the first Prime Minister of Pakistan?

Liaquat Ali Khan was the first Prime Minister of Pakistan.

Which city is the capital of Pakistan?

Islamabad is the capital city of Pakistan.

When was the Indo-Pak partition?

The Indo-Pak partition took place on August 15, 1947.

What is the name of Pakistan's national anthem?

The name of Pakistan's national anthem is 'Qaumi Tarana'.

Who is the current President of Pakistan?

The current President of Pakistan is Arif Alvi.

Which mountain range is located in Pakistan?

The Himalayas mountain range is located in Pakistan.

What is the currency of Pakistan?

The currency of Pakistan is Pakistani Rupee (PKR).

Who is the national poet of Pakistan?

Allama Muhammad Iqbal is the national poet of Pakistan.

Which river flows through the city of Lahore?

The Ravi River flows through the city of Lahore.

What is the major religion in Pakistan?

Islam is the major religion in Pakistan.

Which province in Pakistan has the largest population?

Punjab province has the largest population in Pakistan.

When did Pakistan gain independence?

Pakistan gained independence on August 14, 1947.

Who is known as the founder of Pakistan?

Muhammad Ali Jinnah is known as the founder of Pakistan.

Which country did Pakistan become independent from?

Pakistan became independent from British India.

What is the national language of Pakistan?

The national language of Pakistan is Urdu.

Who was the first Prime Minister of Pakistan?

Liaquat Ali Khan was the first Prime Minister of Pakistan.

Which city is the capital of Pakistan?

Islamabad is the capital city of Pakistan.

When was the Indo-Pak partition?

The Indo-Pak partition took place on August 15, 1947.

What is the name of Pakistan's national anthem?

The name of Pakistan's national anthem is 'Qaumi Tarana'.

Who is the current President of Pakistan?

The current President of Pakistan is Arif Alvi.

Which mountain range is located in Pakistan?

The Himalayas mountain range is located in Pakistan.

What is the currency of Pakistan?

The currency of Pakistan is Pakistani Rupee (PKR).

Who is the national poet of Pakistan?

Allama Muhammad Iqbal is the national poet of Pakistan.

Which river flows through the city of Lahore?

The Ravi River flows through the city of Lahore.

What is the major religion in Pakistan?

Islam is the major religion in Pakistan.

Which province in Pakistan has the largest population?

Punjab province has the largest population in Pakistan.


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