Flashcards on Panama Canal

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When was the Panama Canal completed?


Who was the chief engineer responsible for the construction of the Panama Canal?

John Frank Stevens

What is the purpose of the Panama Canal?

To provide a shortcut for ships traveling between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans.

What country originally began the construction of the Panama Canal?


What country took over the construction of the Panama Canal after France failed?

United States

How many locks are there in the Panama Canal?


What is the length of the Panama Canal in miles?


What is the average time it takes for a ship to transit the Panama Canal?

8-10 hours

How much does it cost for a ship to transit the Panama Canal?

The tolls vary depending on the size and type of the vessel.

What year did the United States hand over control of the Panama Canal to Panama?


What impact did the construction of the Panama Canal have on international trade?

It greatly reduced travel time and costs, facilitating global trade and commerce.

What major challenge did engineers face during the construction of the Panama Canal?

Dealing with diseases, especially malaria and yellow fever.

How many people died during the construction of the Panama Canal?

Approximately 27,500

What is the highest point in the Panama Canal?

Gatun Lake

What is the significance of the Panama Canal?

It revolutionized global shipping and transformed international trade.


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Test Your Knowledge

When was the Panama Canal completed?

Who was the chief engineer responsible for the construction of the Panama Canal?

What country originally began the construction of the Panama Canal?

How many locks are there in the Panama Canal?

What is the average time it takes for a ship to transit the Panama Canal?

What year did the United States hand over control of the Panama Canal to Panama?

What is the highest point in the Panama Canal?

What is the purpose of the Panama Canal?

What impact did the construction of the Panama Canal have on international trade?

How many people died during the construction of the Panama Canal?

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