Flashcards on Partition of India: Causes and Impact

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What year did the Partition of India occur?


Name one major political leader involved in the Partition of India.

Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, Jawaharlal Nehru, or Muhammad Ali Jinnah

What were two main religious communities involved in the Partition?

Hindus and Muslims

What term is used for the mass migration and violence that accompanied the Partition?

Communal riots

Which document officially announced the Partition Plan for India?

Mountbatten Plan

What independent nations were created as a result of the Partition?

India and Pakistan

What was one main economic impact of the Partition?

Displacement and unemployment of millions

Who was the last Viceroy of British India overseeing the Partition?

Lord Louis Mountbatten

What movement demanded a separate Muslim nation leading up to Partition?

Pakistan Movement

Post-Partition, what became a contentious area between India and Pakistan?


What act formally granted independence to India and Pakistan?

Indian Independence Act of 1947

Which leader became the first Prime Minister of independent India?

Jawaharlal Nehru

Which organization led the struggle for Pakistan's creation?

All-India Muslim League

What was the main reason behind the demand for Partition?

Religious and cultural differences

How was the border between India and Pakistan decided?

Radcliffe Line, named after Sir Cyril Radcliffe


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Test Your Knowledge

In which year did India gain independence and experience Partition?

Which leader is known as the 'Father of the Nation' in India?

What prompted the direct action leading to the Partition?

What was the outcome of the Partition in terms of nations formed?

Who became the first Governor-General of Pakistan?

The migration that took place during the Partition of India is one of the largest in human history. Approximately how many people were displaced?

What was the main reason for the creation of separate nations according to the Partition Plan?

The boundary line that was drawn up between India and Pakistan is called?

What act enacted by the British Parliament gave independence to India and Pakistan?

Which city became the bone of contention and a symbol of Indo-Pakistani conflicts after Partition?

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