Flashcards on Peace of Hubertusburg: End of Seven Years' War

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What event marked the end of the Seven Years' War?

Peace of Hubertusburg

Where was the Peace of Hubertusburg signed?

Hubertusburg Castle

In what year was the Peace of Hubertusburg signed?


Which countries were involved in the Peace of Hubertusburg?

Prussia, Austria, and Saxony

What was the main outcome of the Peace of Hubertusburg?

Restoration of the pre-war territorial status quo

Who represented Prussia in the Peace of Hubertusburg?

Count Karl-Wilhelm Finck von Finckenstein

Which other major war ended around the same time as the Seven Years' War?

War of the Austrian Succession

What was the significance of the Peace of Hubertusburg?

It marked the end of the major European conflicts and established a balance of power

Which country emerged as a major European power after the Peace of Hubertusburg?


What role did Russia play in the Peace of Hubertusburg?

Russia acted as a mediator in the negotiations

What was the duration of the Seven Years' War?


Which major European power was not involved in the Peace of Hubertusburg?


What did the Peace of Hubertusburg signify for Austria?

It marked a major defeat and loss of influence for Austria

What impact did the Peace of Hubertusburg have on territorial boundaries in Europe?

It largely confirmed the pre-war territorial boundaries

Who represented Austria in the Peace of Hubertusburg?

Count Leopold Joseph von Daun


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Test Your Knowledge

When was the Peace of Hubertusburg signed?

Which countries were involved in the Peace of Hubertusburg?

Who represented Prussia in the Peace of Hubertusburg?

What was the main outcome of the Peace of Hubertusburg?

Which country emerged as a major European power after the Peace of Hubertusburg?

Who acted as a mediator in the negotiations for the Peace of Hubertusburg?

What was the duration of the Seven Years' War?

Which major European power was not involved in the Peace of Hubertusburg?

What impact did the Peace of Hubertusburg have on territorial boundaries in Europe?

Who represented Austria in the Peace of Hubertusburg?

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