Flashcards on Peace of Lodi: Italian City-State Alliances

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What was the Peace of Lodi?

A peace treaty signed in 1454 between Milan, Naples, and Florence that ended a period of warfare and established a balance of power among the Italian city-states.

Which city-states were involved in the Peace of Lodi?

Milan, Naples, and Florence.

When was the Peace of Lodi signed?


What did the Peace of Lodi establish?

A balance of power among the Italian city-states.

What was the significance of the Peace of Lodi?

It brought stability to the Italian peninsula and lasted for about 40 years, contributing to a period of relative peace and prosperity.

Which city-state emerged as the dominant power after the Peace of Lodi?


What was the main factor that led to the signing of the Peace of Lodi?

The threat of invasion by foreign powers such as the Kingdom of France and the Kingdom of Aragon.

Who were the key negotiators of the Peace of Lodi?

Francesco I Sforza of Milan, Alfonso V of Aragon, and Filippo Maria Visconti of Milan.

What caused the eventual collapse of the Peace of Lodi?

The French invasion of Italy led by Charles VIII in 1494.

What other treaties were influenced by the Peace of Lodi?

The Treaty of Noyon (1516) and the Treaty of Cateau-Cambrésis (1559) both drew inspiration from the principles established by the Peace of Lodi.


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Test Your Knowledge

Which city-states were involved in the Peace of Lodi?

Who were the key negotiators of the Peace of Lodi?

When was the Peace of Lodi signed?

What caused the eventual collapse of the Peace of Lodi?

What did the Peace of Lodi establish?

What was the main factor that led to the signing of the Peace of Lodi?

What was the significance of the Peace of Lodi?

Which city-state emerged as the dominant power after the Peace of Lodi?

What other treaties were influenced by the Peace of Lodi?

Who was the ruler of Naples during the signing of the Peace of Lodi?

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