Flashcards on Pharmacology and Drug Development

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What is pharmacology?

The study of drugs and their effects on the body.

What is drug development?

The process of discovering and producing new medications.

What is the purpose of drug discovery?

To identify new compounds that can be used as medications.

What is a clinical trial?

A research study conducted to evaluate the safety and effectiveness of a new medication.

What is the FDA?

The Food and Drug Administration, a regulatory agency responsible for ensuring the safety and efficacy of medications.

What is a placebo?

An inactive substance or treatment that looks identical to the active medication.

What is a side effect?

An unintended and often undesired effect of a medication.

What is a generic drug?

A medication that is equivalent to a brand-name drug in dosage, strength, and effectiveness.

What are clinical trials phases?

The sequential stages of testing a new medication in humans: Phase I, II, III, and IV.

What is drug metabolism?

The process by which the body breaks down and eliminates medications.

What is the purpose of preclinical studies?

To assess the safety and toxicity of a potential new medication before testing in humans.

What is a dosage form?

The physical form in which a medication is manufactured and administered.

What is a drug interaction?

When one medication affects the activity or effectiveness of another medication.

What is drug targeting?

The ability of a medication to selectively bind to a specific target in the body.

What is a therapeutic dose?

The amount of a medication that is required to produce the desired therapeutic effect.


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Test Your Knowledge

Which regulatory agency is responsible for ensuring the safety and efficacy of medications?

What is the purpose of drug discovery?

What is drug metabolism?

What is a side effect?

What are the sequential stages of testing a new medication in humans?

What is drug targeting?

What is a therapeutic dose?

What is a clinical trial?

What is a generic drug?

What is a placebo?

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