Flashcards on Phoenician Maritime Trade and Culture

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Where did the Phoenicians establish their maritime trade routes?

The Mediterranean Sea

What were the main products that the Phoenicians traded?

Purple dye, cedar wood, glass, and textiles

What were the advantages of Phoenician maritime trade?

Access to valuable resources, cultural exchange, and economic growth

What city-state was the center of Phoenician maritime trade?


What important invention of the Phoenicians aided their maritime trade?

The alphabet

How did the Phoenicians ensure the safety of their trade routes?

They established colonies along the coast

What other civilizations did the Phoenicians engage in trade with?

Egypt, Greece, Persia, and Mesopotamia

What cultural contributions did the Phoenicians make through their maritime trade?

Spread of the alphabet, artistic influence, and religious ideas

What led to the decline of Phoenician maritime trade?

Assyrian and Persian invasions, as well as competition from other maritime powers like the Greeks and Carthaginians

How did Phoenician maritime trade impact their society?

Wealth accumulation, emergence of a merchant class, and cultural diversity

What is the Phoenician contribution to maritime navigation?

Development of advanced shipbuilding techniques and navigation skills

Which Phoenician god was associated with maritime trade?

Melqart (Hercules)

What archaeological evidence supports Phoenician maritime trade?

Wrecks of Phoenician ships, trading posts, and artifacts found in various Mediterranean locations

What role did Phoenician women play in maritime trade?

They were involved in trade activities and held positions of power in the Phoenician society

What cultural practices did the Phoenicians introduce to other civilizations through trade?

Phoenician alphabet, purple dye production, and glassmaking techniques


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Test Your Knowledge

What were the main products that the Phoenicians traded?

What city-state was the center of Phoenician maritime trade?

What important invention of the Phoenicians aided their maritime trade?

What other civilizations did the Phoenicians engage in trade with?

What cultural contributions did the Phoenicians make through their maritime trade?

What led to the decline of Phoenician maritime trade?

What is the Phoenician contribution to maritime navigation?

Which Phoenician god was associated with maritime trade?

What archaeological evidence supports Phoenician maritime trade?

What role did Phoenician women play in maritime trade?

What cultural practices did the Phoenicians introduce to other civilizations through trade?

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