Flashcards on Photosynthesis

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What is the process through which plants convert sunlight into energy?


What are the two main reactants in photosynthesis?

Carbon dioxide and water

What are the two main products of photosynthesis?

Glucose and oxygen

In what organelle does photosynthesis occur?


Which pigment is responsible for capturing sunlight in photosynthesis?


What is the primary source of energy for photosynthesis?


What is the function of stomata in photosynthesis?

To allow for gas exchange (carbon dioxide in, oxygen out)

What is the equation for photosynthesis?

6CO2 + 6H2O → C6H12O6 + 6O2

What is the role of ATP in photosynthesis?

To provide energy for the conversion of carbon dioxide and water into glucose

What are the two stages of photosynthesis?

Light-dependent reactions and light-independent reactions

During photosynthesis, oxygen is released as a byproduct. What happens to this oxygen?

It is released into the atmosphere

What environmental factors can affect the rate of photosynthesis?

Light intensity, temperature, and carbon dioxide concentration

What is the purpose of photosynthesis for plants?

To produce glucose, which serves as a source of energy for growth and development

What is the term for organisms that can perform photosynthesis?


What is the term for organisms that obtain energy by consuming other organisms?



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Test Your Knowledge

Which pigment is responsible for capturing sunlight in photosynthesis?

What are the two main reactants in photosynthesis?

What is the primary source of energy for photosynthesis?

What is the function of stomata in photosynthesis?

What is the equation for photosynthesis?

What is the role of ATP in photosynthesis?

What are the two stages of photosynthesis?

During photosynthesis, oxygen is released as a byproduct. What happens to this oxygen?

What is the purpose of photosynthesis for plants?

What is the term for organisms that can perform photosynthesis?

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