Flashcards on Plant Diseases and Pests

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What are plant diseases and pests?

Plant diseases are harmful conditions that affect the growth and health of plants, while pests are organisms that cause damage to plants.

Name a common plant disease.

Powdery mildew

How do plant diseases spread?

Plant diseases can spread through infected soil, water, air, or by pests.

What are some common pests that affect plants?

Aphids, caterpillars, and slugs are common pests that can damage plants.

What are the symptoms of a plant disease?

Symptoms of plant diseases may include wilting, discoloration, spots, or stunted growth.

How can plant diseases be controlled?

Plant diseases can be controlled through proper sanitation, use of disease-resistant varieties, and chemical treatments if necessary.

What is integrated pest management?

Integrated pest management is an approach that combines various methods to control pests, such as biological controls, cultural practices, and chemical treatments as a last resort.

What are some natural methods to control pests?

Using beneficial insects, like ladybugs, or introducing predator animals can help control pests in an eco-friendly manner.

What are some preventive measures against plant diseases and pests?

Practicing crop rotation, removing infected plants, and maintaining proper plant hygiene can help prevent plant diseases and pest infestations.

What is the importance of early detection and proper diagnosis of plant diseases?

Early detection and proper diagnosis of plant diseases can help prevent the spread and minimize the damage caused, allowing timely treatments to be applied.

What are the benefits of using organic methods to control plant diseases and pests?

Organic methods are environmentally friendly, safer for human and animal health, and promote long-term sustainability.

What is a fungal disease that affects plants?

Botrytis blight

Name an insect pest that commonly attacks garden plants.

Japanese beetle

What is a viral disease that affects tomatoes?

Tomato mosaic virus

Why is it important to properly dispose of infected plant material?

Proper disposal of infected plant material helps prevent the spread of diseases to healthy plants.


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Test Your Knowledge

What are plant diseases?

Which of the following is a common plant disease?

How do plant diseases spread?

Which of the following is a common plant pest?

What are the symptoms of a plant disease?

How can plant diseases be controlled?

What is integrated pest management?

What are some natural methods to control pests?

What are some preventive measures against plant diseases and pests?

Why is early detection and proper diagnosis of plant diseases important?

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