Flashcards on Plant Diseases and Pests

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What are plant diseases?

Abnormal conditions caused by pathogens or environmental factors that affect the health and growth of plants.

Name two common plant diseases.

Fungal blight and powdery mildew.

How can plant diseases be transmitted?

Through infected soil, water, wind, insects, and human activities.

What are plant pests?

Organisms that cause damage to plants, such as insects, mites, and rodents.

Name two common plant pests.

Aphids and snails.

How can plant pests be controlled?

Through biological control, chemical control, and cultural control methods.

What are the symptoms of plant diseases?

Wilting, yellowing of leaves, spots or lesions on leaves, stunted growth, and abnormal growth patterns.

How can you prevent plant diseases?

By practicing good sanitation, using disease-resistant plants, and providing proper watering and fertilization.

What are the signs of plant pests?

Visible insects or insect damage, chewed leaves or stems, and presence of eggs or larvae.

What are the effects of plant diseases and pests on agriculture?

Reduced crop yield, lower quality produce, and economic losses.

How can you identify plant diseases and pests?

By observing the symptoms, signs, and studying reference materials or consulting experts.

What are some natural methods to control plant pests?

Attracting beneficial insects, using natural repellents, and crop rotation.

What are some chemical methods to control plant pests?

Using insecticides, herbicides, and fungicides.

How can you manage plant diseases and pests in a greenhouse?

By maintaining proper ventilation, sanitation, and monitoring plant health regularly.

What are some integrated pest management strategies?

Combining multiple control methods, such as biological control, cultural control, and chemical control, to minimize pest damage.


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Test Your Knowledge

What are plant pests?

What are the symptoms of plant diseases?

How can plant pests be controlled?

What are the signs of plant pests?

How can you prevent plant diseases?

What are some natural methods to control plant pests?

What are some chemical methods to control plant pests?

How can you manage plant diseases and pests in a greenhouse?

What are some integrated pest management strategies?

What are plant diseases?

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