Flashcards on Plant Physiology

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What is the process by which green plants and other organisms use sunlight to synthesize foods with simultaneous release of oxygen?


What is the study of plant structure and how they grow and develop?

Plant anatomy

What is the movement of water in plants from the roots to the leaves via the xylem vessels?


What is the phenomenon where the leaves of a plant orient themselves towards the sunlight?


What is the process by which plants respire, releasing carbon dioxide and absorbing oxygen in the absence of light?

Dark respiration

What is the process by which plants absorb nutrients from the soil through their roots?

Root absorption

What is the function of stomata in plants?

To regulate water loss and gas exchange

What is the hormone responsible for plant growth and response to light and gravity?


What is the process by which plants release excess water to the outside environment?


What is the process by which plants grow towards a mechanical stimulus, such as a support or object?


What is the structure that connects the roots and leaves of a plant and through which nutrients and water are transported?


What is the process by which plants grow towards light?

Positive phototropism

What is the process by which plants respond to external stimuli, such as light, temperature, and touch?

Plant Sensory Systems

What is the function of chlorophyll in plants?

To absorb light energy for photosynthesis

What is the process by which plants release excess water vapor from their leaves through the stomata?


What is the process by which green plants and other organisms use sunlight to synthesize foods with simultaneous release of oxygen?


What is the study of plant structure and how they grow and develop?

Plant anatomy

What is the movement of water in plants from the roots to the leaves via the xylem vessels?


What is the phenomenon where the leaves of a plant orient themselves towards the sunlight?


What is the process by which plants respire, releasing carbon dioxide and absorbing oxygen in the absence of light?

Dark respiration

What is the process by which plants absorb nutrients from the soil through their roots?

Root absorption

What is the function of stomata in plants?

To regulate water loss and gas exchange

What is the hormone responsible for plant growth and response to light and gravity?


What is the process by which plants release excess water to the outside environment?


What is the process by which plants grow towards a mechanical stimulus, such as a support or object?


What is the structure that connects the roots and leaves of a plant and through which nutrients and water are transported?


What is the process by which plants grow towards light?

Positive phototropism

What is the process by which plants respond to external stimuli, such as light, temperature, and touch?

Plant Sensory Systems

What is the function of chlorophyll in plants?

To absorb light energy for photosynthesis

What is the process by which plants release excess water vapor from their leaves through the stomata?



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