Flashcards on Plant Reproduction and Growth

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What is the process by which plants produce offspring?

Plant reproduction

What are the male reproductive organs of a flower called?


What are the female reproductive organs of a flower called?


What is the transfer of pollen from the stamen to the pistil of a flower?


What is the process of seed formation after fertilization called?

Seed development

What is the process by which a plant grows from a seed?


What are the two methods of asexual reproduction in plants?

Vegetative propagation and budding

What is the process by which plants produce carbohydrates using sunlight, water, and carbon dioxide?


What is the hormone responsible for plant growth and development?


What is the outer protective covering of a seed called?

Seed coat

What is the process by which plants produce new individuals from their leaves, stems, or roots?

Vegetative propagation

What is the process of transferring pollen from the anther to the stigma of the same flower?


What is the fusion of male and female gametes called?


What is the process by which plants grow towards or away from certain stimuli?


What are the male and female sex cells of plants called?



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Test Your Knowledge

What are the female reproductive organs of a flower called?

What is the process of transferring pollen from the anther to the stigma of the same flower?

What is the fusion of male and female gametes called?

What is the process in which plants produce offspring asexually?

What is the process of seed formation after fertilization called?

What is the process by which plants grow towards or away from certain stimuli?

What is the hormone responsible for plant growth and development?

What is the process by which plants produce new individuals from their leaves, stems, or roots?

What are the male reproductive organs of a flower called?

What is the outer protective covering of a seed called?

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