Flashcards on Plasma Physics

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What is plasma?

Plasma is a state of matter that consists of highly ionized gas particles.

What is the fourth state of matter?

Plasma is considered the fourth state of matter, after solid, liquid, and gas.

What are some common examples of plasma?

Lightning, stars, and fluorescent lamps are examples of plasma.

How is plasma formed?

Plasma is formed when a gas is heated to extremely high temperatures or subjected to strong electromagnetic fields.

What is plasma's unique property?

Plasma can conduct electricity due to the presence of free electrons and ions.

What is plasma confinement?

Plasma confinement refers to the techniques used to trap and control plasma.

What is plasma turbulence?

Plasma turbulence refers to the chaotic movement and fluctuations observed in plasma.

What is plasma diagnostics?

Plasma diagnostics is the field of study concerned with measuring and analyzing plasma properties.

What is plasma propulsion?

Plasma propulsion involves using plasma to generate thrust in spacecraft engines.

What is plasma fusion?

Plasma fusion refers to the process of combining light atomic nuclei to form heavier elements, releasing large amounts of energy.

What is magnetohydrodynamics?

Magnetohydrodynamics is the study of the behavior of magnetized plasma.

What is a tokamak?

A tokamak is a device used to confine and control plasma by means of magnetic fields.

What is the Sun mainly composed of?

The Sun is mainly composed of plasma.

What are the challenges in achieving plasma fusion?

The challenges include the need for extremely high temperatures and confining the plasma for a sufficient amount of time.

What is the role of plasma in plasma TVs?

Plasma displays in TVs use ionized gases to create images.


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Test Your Knowledge

What is plasma?

What is the fourth state of matter?

What are some examples of plasma?

How is plasma formed?

What is plasma's unique property?

What is plasma turbulence?

What field of study is concerned with measuring and analyzing plasma properties?

What is the process of combining light atomic nuclei to form heavier elements, releasing large amounts of energy?

What is the main challenge in achieving plasma fusion?

What role does plasma play in plasma TVs?

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