Flashcards on Powers of Lok Sabha

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What is the power of Lok Sabha in passing motions of no-confidence?

Lok Sabha can pass a motion of no-confidence against the government with a simple majority.

What is the power of Lok Sabha in impeaching the President of India?

Lok Sabha can initiate the process of impeachment against the President with a majority of not less than two-thirds of the members present and voting.

What is the power of Lok Sabha in passing money bills?

Lok Sabha has the exclusive power to originate or pass a money bill.

What is the power of Lok Sabha in the appointment of the Prime Minister?

The Prime Minister is appointed by the President on the advice of the Lok Sabha.

What is the power of Lok Sabha in the passage of non-money bills?

Lok Sabha has the power to pass any non-money bill, subject to the approval of the Rajya Sabha.

What is the power of Lok Sabha in the control of the executive?

Lok Sabha exercises control over the executive through interpellations, questions, and debates.

What is the power of Lok Sabha in the election of the Speaker and Deputy Speaker?

Lok Sabha elects the Speaker and Deputy Speaker from among its members.

What is the power of Lok Sabha in the removal of judges of the Supreme Court and High Courts?

Lok Sabha can pass a resolution for the removal of judges of the Supreme Court and High Courts with a majority of not less than two-thirds of the members present and voting.

What is the power of Lok Sabha in the formation of committees?

Lok Sabha has the power to form committees to carry out various functions.

What is the power of Lok Sabha in the approval of ordinances?

Lok Sabha has the power to approve or reject ordinances issued by the President.

What is the power of Lok Sabha in the control of the budget?

Lok Sabha has the exclusive power to approve the Union budget and make grants for government expenditure.

What is the power of Lok Sabha in the appointment of the Attorney General?

The Attorney General is appointed by the President on the advice of the Prime Minister with the approval of Lok Sabha.

What is the power of Lok Sabha in the removal of the Council of Ministers?

Lok Sabha can pass a motion of no-confidence against the Council of Ministers, which may result in their removal.

What is the power of Lok Sabha in the amendment of the Constitution?

Lok Sabha has the power to initiate and pass bills to amend the Constitution.

What is the power of Lok Sabha in the election of the President of India?

Lok Sabha is one of the electoral college for the election of the President of India.

What is the power of Lok Sabha in passing motions of no-confidence?

Lok Sabha can pass a motion of no-confidence against the government with a simple majority.

What is the power of Lok Sabha in impeaching the President of India?

Lok Sabha can initiate the process of impeachment against the President with a majority of not less than two-thirds of the members present and voting.

What is the power of Lok Sabha in passing money bills?

Lok Sabha has the exclusive power to originate or pass a money bill.

What is the power of Lok Sabha in the appointment of the Prime Minister?

The Prime Minister is appointed by the President on the advice of the Lok Sabha.

What is the power of Lok Sabha in the passage of non-money bills?

Lok Sabha has the power to pass any non-money bill, subject to the approval of the Rajya Sabha.

What is the power of Lok Sabha in the control of the executive?

Lok Sabha exercises control over the executive through interpellations, questions, and debates.

What is the power of Lok Sabha in the election of the Speaker and Deputy Speaker?

Lok Sabha elects the Speaker and Deputy Speaker from among its members.

What is the power of Lok Sabha in the removal of judges of the Supreme Court and High Courts?

Lok Sabha can pass a resolution for the removal of judges of the Supreme Court and High Courts with a majority of not less than two-thirds of the members present and voting.

What is the power of Lok Sabha in the formation of committees?

Lok Sabha has the power to form committees to carry out various functions.

What is the power of Lok Sabha in the approval of ordinances?

Lok Sabha has the power to approve or reject ordinances issued by the President.

What is the power of Lok Sabha in the control of the budget?

Lok Sabha has the exclusive power to approve the Union budget and make grants for government expenditure.

What is the power of Lok Sabha in the appointment of the Attorney General?

The Attorney General is appointed by the President on the advice of the Prime Minister with the approval of Lok Sabha.

What is the power of Lok Sabha in the removal of the Council of Ministers?

Lok Sabha can pass a motion of no-confidence against the Council of Ministers, which may result in their removal.

What is the power of Lok Sabha in the amendment of the Constitution?

Lok Sabha has the power to initiate and pass bills to amend the Constitution.

What is the power of Lok Sabha in the election of the President of India?

Lok Sabha is one of the electoral college for the election of the President of India.


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