Flashcards on Practice Questions for Identifying Independent, Dependent and Controlled Variables in Science Investigations

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What is an independent variable?

The variable that is intentionally changed or manipulated by the experimenter.

What is a dependent variable?

The variable that is observed or measured to see how it responds to changes in the independent variable.

What is a controlled variable?

The variable that is kept constant or unchanged throughout the experiment.

In a science investigation, what is the purpose of identifying variables?

To understand the relationship between the independent and dependent variables and to ensure accurate and valid results.

What is the independent variable in an experiment to test the effect of different temperatures on plant growth?

The different temperatures

What is the dependent variable in an experiment to test the effect of different temperatures on plant growth?

The plant growth

What is a potential controlled variable in an experiment to test the effect of different temperatures on plant growth?

The type and amount of soil, the amount of water, the amount of sunlight, etc.

In a science investigation, why is it important to have controlled variables?

To eliminate or minimize the effect of other factors that could influence the results, ensuring that any observed changes are due to the independent variable.

What is an example of an independent variable in an experiment investigating the effect of exercise on heart rate?

The amount of exercise or physical activity

What is an example of a dependent variable in an experiment investigating the effect of exercise on heart rate?

Heart rate

What is a potential controlled variable in an experiment investigating the effect of exercise on heart rate?

Age, fitness level, duration of exercise, etc.

In a science investigation, how can you determine if a variable is independent, dependent or controlled?

By analyzing the role of the variable in relation to the purpose of the experiment and its manipulation or observation.

What does the independent variable represent in a graph or data table?

The x-axis

What does the dependent variable represent in a graph or data table?

The y-axis

What does a controlled variable represent in a graph or data table?

No specific representation, as it remains constant.


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Test Your Knowledge

Which variable is intentionally changed or manipulated by the experimenter?

Which variable is observed or measured to see how it responds to changes in the independent variable?

Which variable is kept constant or unchanged throughout the experiment?

What is the purpose of identifying variables in a science investigation?

In an experiment to test the effect of different temperatures on plant growth, what is the independent variable?

In an experiment to test the effect of different temperatures on plant growth, what is the dependent variable?

Which of the following can be a potential controlled variable in an experiment to test the effect of different temperatures on plant growth?

Why is it important to have controlled variables in a science investigation?

In an experiment investigating the effect of exercise on heart rate, what can be an example of an independent variable?

In an experiment investigating the effect of exercise on heart rate, what can be an example of a dependent variable?

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