Flashcards on Present Perfect

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What is the structure of the Present Perfect tense?

Subject + auxiliary verb (have/has) + past participle

When do we use the Present Perfect tense?

We use it to talk about an action that happened at an unspecified time before now, or when the time is not important.

What is the difference between the Present Perfect and the Past Simple?

The Present Perfect is used for actions that started in the past and continue to the present, whereas the Past Simple is used for actions that happened and finished in the past.

What are some signal words for the Present Perfect tense?

Already, just, yet, ever, never, before, for, since, lately, recently

What is an example sentence using the Present Perfect tense?

I have eaten breakfast.

What is the past participle of 'go'?


What is the past participle of 'eat'?


Which auxiliary verb is used with 'I' and 'you' when making a negative sentence in the Present Perfect?

Have not

What is the difference between 'for' and 'since' in the Present Perfect tense?

'For' is used to describe a period of time, while 'since' is used for a specific point in time.

What is the past participle of 'buy'?


What is the past participle of 'do'?


What is the past participle of 'see'?


What is an example sentence using 'since' in the Present Perfect?

I have been a teacher since 2015.

What is an example sentence using 'for' in the Present Perfect?

I have been studying for two hours.

What is the third person singular form of 'have' in the Present Perfect?


What is the structure of the Present Perfect tense?

Subject + auxiliary verb (have/has) + past participle

When do we use the Present Perfect tense?

We use it to talk about an action that happened at an unspecified time before now, or when the time is not important.

What is the difference between the Present Perfect and the Past Simple?

The Present Perfect is used for actions that started in the past and continue to the present, whereas the Past Simple is used for actions that happened and finished in the past.

What are some signal words for the Present Perfect tense?

Already, just, yet, ever, never, before, for, since, lately, recently

What is an example sentence using the Present Perfect tense?

I have eaten breakfast.

What is the past participle of 'go'?


What is the past participle of 'eat'?


Which auxiliary verb is used with 'I' and 'you' when making a negative sentence in the Present Perfect?

Have not

What is the difference between 'for' and 'since' in the Present Perfect tense?

'For' is used to describe a period of time, while 'since' is used for a specific point in time.

What is the past participle of 'buy'?


What is the past participle of 'do'?


What is the past participle of 'see'?


What is an example sentence using 'since' in the Present Perfect?

I have been a teacher since 2015.

What is an example sentence using 'for' in the Present Perfect?

I have been studying for two hours.

What is the third person singular form of 'have' in the Present Perfect?



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