Flashcards on Progressive Era Reforms

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Who led the Progressive Era reforms?

Prominent leaders like Jane Addams, Theodore Roosevelt, and Woodrow Wilson led the Progressive Era reforms.

What were the main goals of the Progressive Era reforms?

The main goals were to address political corruption, improve working conditions, promote social welfare, and regulate big businesses.

Which amendment was ratified during the Progressive Era to allow direct election of senators?

The 17th Amendment was ratified during the Progressive Era to allow direct election of senators.

What was the purpose of the Pure Food and Drug Act?

The Pure Food and Drug Act aimed to ensure the safety and labeling of food and drugs.

Which organization was founded by Jane Addams to help urban immigrants?

Jane Addams founded the Hull House to assist urban immigrants during the Progressive Era.

What was the significance of the 19th Amendment in the Progressive Era?

The 19th Amendment granted women the right to vote, promoting gender equality in the Progressive Era.

Which reformer advocated for child labor laws and safer working conditions?

Florence Kelley was a prominent reformer who advocated for child labor laws and safer working conditions.

What was the purpose of the Sherman Antitrust Act?

The Sherman Antitrust Act aimed to prevent the formation of monopolies and promote fair competition.

Which progressive reform allowed for the direct election of U.S. senators?

The 17th Amendment allowed for the direct election of U.S. senators.

What was the significance of the 18th Amendment during the Progressive Era?

The 18th Amendment established Prohibition, prohibiting the manufacturing, sale, and distribution of alcoholic beverages.

Which reform movement focused on improving working conditions?

The labor reform movement during the Progressive Era aimed to improve working conditions for workers.

What were muckrakers during the Progressive Era?

Muckrakers were investigative journalists who exposed social issues and corruption, inspiring reform efforts.

What was the significance of the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire?

The Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire highlighted the need for improved workplace safety regulations and increased support for workers' rights.

Which amendment gave women the right to vote?

The 19th Amendment gave women the right to vote.

What was the primary objective of the Progressive Era reforms?

The primary objective was to address social, economic, and political issues through government intervention and regulation.


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Test Your Knowledge

Who were some prominent leaders during the Progressive Era?

Which reform aimed to ensure the safety of food and drugs?

What did the 17th Amendment allow for during the Progressive Era?

Which organization founded by Jane Addams assisted urban immigrants?

What was the purpose of the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire?

What did the 19th Amendment grant women during the Progressive Era?

What was the purpose of the labor reform movement during the Progressive Era?

Which amendment during the Progressive Era established Prohibition?

What was the main goal of the Progressive Era reforms?

Who were muckrakers during the Progressive Era?

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