Flashcards on Prokaryotic vs Eukaryotic Cells

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What is the main difference between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells?

Prokaryotic cells lack a nucleus, while eukaryotic cells have a true nucleus.

Which type of cell is more complex: prokaryotic or eukaryotic?

Eukaryotic cells are more complex than prokaryotic cells.

Do prokaryotic cells have membrane-bound organelles?

No, prokaryotic cells do not have membrane-bound organelles.

Which type of cells are generally smaller in size: prokaryotic or eukaryotic?

Prokaryotic cells are generally smaller in size than eukaryotic cells.

Are all bacteria prokaryotic cells?

Yes, all bacteria are prokaryotic cells.

Which type of cell has genetic material enclosed in a nucleus?

Eukaryotic cells have genetic material enclosed in a nucleus.

What type of organisms have eukaryotic cells?

Plants, animals, fungi, and protists have eukaryotic cells.

Can you find prokaryotic cells in multicellular organisms?

Yes, prokaryotic cells can be found in multicellular organisms.

What is an example of a prokaryotic cell?

Bacteria is an example of a prokaryotic cell.

What is an example of a eukaryotic cell?

Human cell is an example of a eukaryotic cell.

Can prokaryotic cells reproduce sexually?

No, prokaryotic cells reproduce asexually.

Can eukaryotic cells reproduce sexually?

Yes, eukaryotic cells can reproduce sexually.

Are prokaryotic cells more primitive?

Yes, prokaryotic cells are considered more primitive than eukaryotic cells.

What is the structure that surrounds the genetic material in prokaryotic cells?

In prokaryotic cells, the genetic material is surrounded by a nucleoid region.

What are the main types of cells found in animals and plants?

Animals have eukaryotic cells, while plants have both eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells.


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Test Your Knowledge

Which type of cell has a true nucleus?

Which type of cell is generally smaller in size?

Do prokaryotic cells have membrane-bound organelles?

Which type of organisms have eukaryotic cells?

Are all bacteria prokaryotic cells?

Can eukaryotic cells reproduce sexually?

Are prokaryotic cells more primitive?

What is the structure that surrounds the genetic material in prokaryotic cells?

Can you find prokaryotic cells in multicellular organisms?

What type of cells are found in human beings?

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