Flashcards on Protists and Algae

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What are protists?

Protists are a diverse group of eukaryotic microorganisms.

How do protists obtain energy?

Protists obtain energy through photosynthesis or by absorbing organic matter.

What is the role of algae in ecosystems?

Algae are important primary producers in aquatic ecosystems.

How do algae reproduce?

Algae reproduce through various methods including asexual and sexual reproduction.

What are some common examples of protists?

Some common examples of protists include amoebas, paramecia, and euglenas.

What are the main characteristics of algae?

Algae are photosynthetic organisms that range from microscopic single-celled forms to large multicellular forms.

How do protists move?

Protists move using various structures such as cilia, flagella, and pseudopodia.

What is the significance of protists?

Protists play crucial roles in nutrient cycles and serve as a food source for other organisms.

What are the different types of algae?

The different types of algae include green algae, brown algae, and red algae.

What is a harmful algal bloom?

A harmful algal bloom is a rapid growth of algae that can produce toxins harmful to other organisms.

How do protists contribute to the food web?

Protists serve as primary producers and provide food for other organisms in the food web.

What is the structure of a protist cell?

Protist cells can have various structures, including a nucleus, membrane-bound organelles, and a cell membrane.

How do algae adapt to different environments?

Algae adapt to different environments through various mechanisms such as changing their pigmentation and cell structure.

What is the ecological importance of protists?

Protists play a vital role in the ecosystem by cycling nutrients and serving as a food source.

What are the economic uses of algae?

Algae are used in various industries, including food, pharmaceuticals, and biofuel production.


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Test Your Knowledge

Which of the following is a characteristic of protists?

What is the primary role of algae in ecosystems?

Which of the following is a method of algae reproduction?

What are some common examples of protists?

What type of organisms are protists?

Which of the following is not a type of algae?

How do protists move?

What is the main function of protists in the food web?

What is the structure of a protist cell?

Why are harmful algal blooms a concern?

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