Flashcards on Psychoanalytic Theory of Sigmund Freud

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What is the first stage of psychosexual development according to Sigmund Freud?

The oral stage.

During which years does the anal stage occur?

Between the second and third year.

What is the central concept in Freud's theory?

The unconscious mind.

What is the ego according to Freud?

The conscious self.

What is the superego?

The societal and moral aspects of an individual.

What is repression?

The defense mechanism that pushes unacceptable thoughts or memories into the unconscious mind.

What is the Oedipus complex?

The psychoanalytic concept of a child's desire for his or her opposite-sex parent and rivalry with the same-sex parent.

What is the purpose of psychoanalysis?

To uncover unconscious conflicts and repressed memories through free association, dream interpretation, and analysis of resistance and transference.

What is the main criticism of Freud's psychoanalytic method?

The lack of scientific evidence and the subjective interpretation of dreams and symbols.

What is the importance of the unconscious mind according to Freud?

It influences our thoughts, feelings, and behavior without our awareness.

What stage of psychosexual development occurs between the third and sixth year?

The phallic stage.

What stage of psychosexual development occurs between the sixth and twelfth year?

The latency stage.

What is the role of the id in Freud's theory?

The id is the primitive part of the personality that operates on the pleasure principle.

What stage of psychosexual development occurs after the twelfth year?

The genital stage.

What is the purpose of the ego in Freud's theory?

To mediate between the demands of the id, superego, and reality.


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Test Your Knowledge

What is the first stage of psychosexual development according to Freud?

What is the central concept in Freud's theory?

What is the superego?

What is repression?

What is the Oedipus complex?

What is the purpose of psychoanalysis?

What is the main criticism of Freud's psychoanalytic method?

What is the importance of the unconscious mind according to Freud?

What is the role of the id in Freud's theory?

What is the purpose of the ego in Freud's theory?

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