Flashcards on Pullman Strike

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When did the Pullman Strike take place?


Which industry did the Pullman Strike primarily involve?


Who led the American Railway Union during the Pullman Strike?

Eugene V. Debs

What was one of the major causes of the Pullman Strike?

Reduction of wages

Which city did the Pullman Strike start in?

Pullman, Illinois

Which court issued an injunction to halt the Pullman Strike?

United States District Court

What was the outcome of the Pullman Strike?

Labor unions gained recognition and improved working conditions

Who supported the Pullman Strike?

Various labor unions

What were the tactics used by the Pullman Strike strikers?

Boycotts and sabotage

How long did the Pullman Strike last?

Approximately two months

What impact did the Pullman Strike have on the labor movement?

It led to increased support for labor unions and recognition of workers' rights

What sparked the Pullman Strike?

Wage cuts and poor working conditions

Which president sent federal troops to suppress the Pullman Strike?

Grover Cleveland

What role did the American Railway Union play in the Pullman Strike?

It organized the strike and supported the workers' demands

What impact did the Pullman Strike have on future labor legislation?

It spurred the creation of laws protecting workers' rights and regulating labor disputes


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When did the Pullman Strike take place?

Who led the American Railway Union during the Pullman Strike?

What industry did the Pullman Strike primarily involve?

Where did the Pullman Strike start?

Who issued an injunction to halt the Pullman Strike?

What were the tactics used by the Pullman Strike strikers?

What was one of the major causes of the Pullman Strike?

Who supported the Pullman Strike?

How long did the Pullman Strike last?

What impact did the Pullman Strike have on the labor movement?

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