Flashcards on Pure Food and Drug Act

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What is the Pure Food and Drug Act?

A law passed in 1906 to ensure the safety and labeling of food and drugs sold in the United States.

When was the Pure Food and Drug Act passed?


Why was the Pure Food and Drug Act passed?

To protect consumers from unsafe and mislabeled products.

Who was responsible for the passage of the Pure Food and Drug Act?

President Theodore Roosevelt

What agency was created as a result of the Pure Food and Drug Act?

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA)

What were some key provisions of the Pure Food and Drug Act?

Labeling requirements, prohibition of misbranding and adulteration, inspection of food and drugs

How did the Pure Food and Drug Act impact society?

It led to improved food and drug safety standards and increased consumer trust.

What other landmark laws followed the Pure Food and Drug Act?

The Meat Inspection Act and the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act

What is the significance of the Pure Food and Drug Act?

It was a major milestone in consumer protection and government regulation of food and drugs.

What challenges did the Pure Food and Drug Act face?

Limited resources for enforcement and resistance from certain industries.

What is the current status of the Pure Food and Drug Act?

Some provisions have been amended or replaced, but its core principles remain in effect.

Which president signed the Pure Food and Drug Act into law?

President Theodore Roosevelt

What was the public reaction to the Pure Food and Drug Act?

Many people supported it as a necessary step towards consumer safety and public health.

What industries were particularly affected by the Pure Food and Drug Act?

Food processing, pharmaceuticals, and cosmetics

What role did Upton Sinclair's book 'The Jungle' play in the passage of the Pure Food and Drug Act?

It exposed unsanitary conditions in the meatpacking industry and generated public outrage.


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Test Your Knowledge

When was the Pure Food and Drug Act passed?

Who was responsible for the passage of the Pure Food and Drug Act?

What agency was created as a result of the Pure Food and Drug Act?

What were some key provisions of the Pure Food and Drug Act?

What is the significance of the Pure Food and Drug Act?

What other landmark laws followed the Pure Food and Drug Act?

What challenges did the Pure Food and Drug Act face?

Which president signed the Pure Food and Drug Act into law?

What was the public reaction to the Pure Food and Drug Act?

What role did Upton Sinclair's book 'The Jungle' play in the passage of the Pure Food and Drug Act?

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