Flashcards on Quantum Hardware and Devices

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What is a qubit?

A unit of quantum information, analogous to a classical bit.

What is superposition in quantum computing?

The ability of a qubit to be in multiple states simultaneously.

What is entanglement in quantum computing?

The phenomenon where two or more qubits become correlated in such a way that the state of one qubit cannot be described independently of the state of the others.

What is decoherence in quantum systems?

The loss of coherence and the transition to classical-like behavior due to interactions with the surrounding environment.

What is quantum parallelism?

The ability of quantum computers to perform many computations simultaneously, leading to potential speedup in specific tasks.

What are quantum gates?

Unitary operations acting on one or multiple qubits, used for manipulating and transforming quantum states.

What is quantum annealing?

An optimization technique that leverages quantum effects to solve complex optimization problems.

What is quantum teleportation?

A protocol for transmitting an unknown quantum state from one location to another, without physically transporting the quantum systems themselves.

What is a quantum circuit?

A sequence of quantum gates applied to a set of qubits, representing a computation in quantum computing.

What is a quantum computer?

A computer that utilizes quantum bits (qubits) and quantum phenomena to perform quantum computations.

What are the challenges in building quantum hardware?

Some challenges include decoherence, error correction, scalability, and maintaining stable qubits.

What are some potential applications of quantum hardware?

Quantum cryptography, simulation of quantum systems, optimization problems, and machine learning.

What is the difference between quantum hardware and classical hardware?

Quantum hardware operates based on the principles of quantum mechanics, while classical hardware operates based on classical physics and follows classical computing principles.

What are quantum sensors?

Devices that use quantum systems to measure physical quantities with high precision and sensitivity.

What is quantum error correction?

Techniques used to mitigate errors in quantum computations and protect against the effects of decoherence.


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What is superposition in quantum computing?

What is a quantum gate?

What is decoherence in quantum systems?

What are some challenges in building quantum hardware?

What is quantum parallelism?

What is quantum annealing?

What is the difference between quantum hardware and classical hardware?

What is quantum teleportation?

What are some potential applications of quantum hardware?

What is a quantum sensor?

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