Flashcards on Raja Ram Mohan Roy and Social Reforms

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Who was known as the 'Father of the Indian Renaissance'?

Raja Ram Mohan Roy

In which year was Raja Ram Mohan Roy born?


What practice was Raja Ram Mohan Roy instrumental in abolishing?


Which organization did Raja Ram Mohan Roy founded in 1828?

Brahmo Samaj

Which language was Raja Ram Mohan Roy not well-versed in?

Sanskrit, Persian, Arabic, English

What title was given to Raja Ram Mohan Roy by the Mughal Emperor?


Where did Raja Ram Mohan Roy travel to promote his educational ideas?

United Kingdom

Raja Ram Mohan Roy supported the introduction of which system in education?

Western education

What was Raja Ram Mohan Roy's stance on women's rights?

He advocated for women's rights including the right to education and property.

Raja Ram Mohan Roy was a proponent of which type of religious philosophy?


What year did Raja Ram Mohan Roy die?


Roy's efforts influenced social reform movements in which country?


Which traditional practice did Raja Ram Mohan Roy criticize for being oppressive towards women?


Raja Ram Mohan Roy was also an advocate for the freedom of the:


Which Vedic scriptures did Raja Ram Mohan Roy translate into Bengali and English to spread his ideas?



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Test Your Knowledge

Which organization founded by Raja Ram Mohan Roy aimed at fighting social evils?

Raja Ram Mohan Roy was a key figure in the abolition of which inhumane practice?

What was one of Raja Ram Mohan Roy's significant contributions to education?

In which year was the Brahma Samaj founded by Raja Ram Mohan Roy?

Which of these languages was Raja Ram Mohan Roy NOT known to be proficient in?

Raja Ram Mohan Roy was given the title 'Raja' by which emperor?

Where did Raja Ram Mohan Roy die?

Raja Ram Mohan Roy was a proponent of which type of religious thought?

What was a major focus of Raja Ram Mohan Roy when it came to women's rights?

Which of the following texts did Raja Ram Mohan Roy translate to help spread his reformist ideas?

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