Flashcards on Rajiv Gandhi's Modernization Initiatives

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What was the main focus of Rajiv Gandhi's modernization initiatives?

Technology and Education

Rajiv Gandhi contributed to which sector by introducing the MTNL in 1986?


Which computer policy was introduced under Rajiv Gandhi's leadership?

1984 Computer Policy

Rajiv Gandhi's modernization efforts led to the foundation of which technological centers?

Software Technology Parks (STPs)

Which 1985 bill under Rajiv Gandhi liberalized the Indian economy?

The New Economic Policy

Rajiv Gandhi was instrumental in the strengthening of panchayati raj during which constitutional amendment?

73rd Constitutional Amendment

What educational initiative was started in 1985 that aimed to modernize education through information technology?

Operation Blackboard

Rajiv Gandhi played a role in the expansion of which national television network?


Which policy was introduced under Rajiv Gandhi's leadership to reduce import tariffs and open up to foreign investments?

1985 Trade Policy

Rajiv Gandhi's modernization plan included strengthening India's defense through the induction of which technology?

Missile Technology

Under which initiative did Rajiv Gandhi push for the supply of drinking water in rural areas?

National Drinking Water Mission

Which sector was reformed in 1986 for the modern production of electronics?

Electronics Policy

What was the primary goal of the Jawahar Rozgar Yojana that was launched in Rajiv Gandhi's tenure?

Employment Generation in Rural India

Name the authority established in 1986 for environmental planning and coordination.

National Environment Authority

What major international communication system did Rajiv Gandhi's government introduce?



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Test Your Knowledge

When was the New Economic Policy introduced under Rajiv Gandhi?

The 73rd Constitutional Amendment is related to which area of governance?

Operation Blackboard was associated with which field?

What was the key focus of the 1984 Computer Policy?

What was the objective of the Software Technology Parks (STPs) established during Rajiv Gandhi's tenure?

Rajiv Gandhi's Electronics Policy aimed at?

The Jawahar Rozgar Yojana was targeted towards?

The MTNL established in 1986 improved which of the following services?

National Drinking Water Mission was launched to ensure?

Which satellite, introduced during Rajiv Gandhi's government, enhanced telecommunication in India?

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