Flashcards on Rare and Difficult Animals in Spanish

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What is the Spanish name for a pangolin?

El Pangolín

What is the Spanish name for an aye-aye?

El Aye Aye

What is the Spanish name for a narwhal?

El Narval

What is the Spanish name for an okapi?

El Okapi

What is the Spanish name for a quokka?

El Quokka

What is the Spanish name for a numbat?

El Numbat

What is the Spanish name for an axolotl?

El Axolotl

What is the Spanish name for a capybara?

La Capibara

What is the Spanish name for a zorilla?

La Zorrilla

What is the Spanish name for a binturong?

El Binturong

What is the Spanish name for an alpaca?

La Alpaca

What is the Spanish name for a tardigrade?

El Tardígrado

What is the Spanish name for an okapi?

El Okapi

What is the Spanish name for a saiga antelope?

El Saiga

What is the Spanish name for a fossa?

La Fosa

What is the Spanish name for a pangolin?

El Pangolín

What is the Spanish name for an aye-aye?

El Aye Aye

What is the Spanish name for a narwhal?

El Narval

What is the Spanish name for an okapi?

El Okapi

What is the Spanish name for a quokka?

El Quokka

What is the Spanish name for a numbat?

El Numbat

What is the Spanish name for an axolotl?

El Axolotl

What is the Spanish name for a capybara?

La Capibara

What is the Spanish name for a zorilla?

La Zorrilla

What is the Spanish name for a binturong?

El Binturong

What is the Spanish name for an alpaca?

La Alpaca

What is the Spanish name for a tardigrade?

El Tardígrado

What is the Spanish name for an okapi?

El Okapi

What is the Spanish name for a saiga antelope?

El Saiga

What is the Spanish name for a fossa?

La Fosa


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