Flashcards on Reformation: Martin Luther and Protestantism

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Who was the primary figure of the Protestant Reformation?

Martin Luther

In which century did the Protestant Reformation take place?

16th century

What was the main cause of the Protestant Reformation?

Disagreement with Catholic Church practices

Which document did Martin Luther famously nail to the door of a church?

95 Theses

What was the name of the movement that Martin Luther initiated?

Protestant Reformation

What was the significance of the Gutenberg printing press during the Reformation?

Enabled mass production and distribution of printed materials, including Martin Luther's works

Which country did Martin Luther hail from?


What was the major theological concept emphasized by Martin Luther?

Justification by faith alone

Which term is used to describe the Christian denominations that originated from the Protestant Reformation?


What impact did the Protestant Reformation have on the Catholic Church?

Led to significant reforms within the Catholic Church

What role did the printing press play in the spread of Protestant ideas?

Facilitated the dissemination of Protestant teachings to a wider audience

Which term refers to the act of breaking away from the Catholic Church?


What was the outcome of the Diet of Worms in 1521?

Martin Luther was declared a heretic and outlaw

What did the Peace of Augsburg in 1555 establish?

Principle of cuius regio, eius religio (whose realm, his religion)

What lasting impact did the Protestant Reformation have on society?

Promoted religious freedom and the rise of individual interpretation of the Bible


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Who was the primary figure of the Protestant Reformation?

What was the main cause of the Protestant Reformation?

Which document did Martin Luther famously nail to the door of a church?

What was the major theological concept emphasized by Martin Luther?

Which country did Martin Luther hail from?

What was the outcome of the Diet of Worms in 1521?

Which term is used to describe the Christian denominations that originated from the Protestant Reformation?

What impact did the Protestant Reformation have on the Catholic Church?

What lasting impact did the Protestant Reformation have on society?

What was the name of the movement that Martin Luther initiated?

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