Flashcards on Religious Practices in Indus Valley Civilization

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What were the main religious figures in the Indus Valley Civilization?

Priest-kings and deities like the Mother Goddess and the Horned God.

What symbol from the Indus Valley Civilization is thought to represent their religion?

The Swastika, which is found on many seals and pottery.

Which animal was considered sacred in the Indus Valley Civilization?

The humped bull (Zebu).

What type of religious structures were common in the Indus Valley?

Great Bath and fire altars, possibly for ritual purification.

How did the people of the Indus Valley Civilization bury their dead?

In wooden coffins, sometimes with goods and jewelry.

What suggests that the Indus Valley people believed in an afterlife?

The burial of personal items with the deceased.

Which tree was considered sacred by the Indus Valley people and frequently appears in seals?

The Pipal tree, which is associated with worship.

What artifacts suggest that the Indus Valley people engaged in ritualistic animal sacrifice?

Terracotta figurines of animals and evidence of altars.

What do the numerous seals found in the Indus Valley Civilization indicate about their religious practices?

The use of iconography and possibly amulets for good fortune or protection.

What might the depiction of yogic postures on seals suggest about Indus Valley religion?

A possible precursor to the practice of Yoga in later Indian religions.

What was the significance of water in the Indus Valley religious practices?

Water was used for ritual purification, as seen in the Great Bath of Mohenjo-Daro.

What evidence is there for a possible priestly class in the Indus Valley?

Finds of elongated skulls and richer grave goods in certain burials.

How do Indus seals suggest the existence of trade and its relation to religion?

Seals were used for trade and often contained religious symbols, implying a link between commerce and belief.

What indicates the Harappans may have believed in divine animal-human hybrids?

Seals depicting creatures with human and animal features.

How were music and dance likely involved in Indus Valley religious practices?

Findings of musical instruments and dancing figures suggest they were part of rituals.


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Test Your Knowledge

Which of the following was a common religious figure in the Indus Valley?

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The burial of goods with the deceased indicates the Indus Valley people believed in:

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What does the depiction of yogic postures on Indus seals suggest?

What is a possible indication of a priestly class in the Indus Valley?

The Indus Valley seals with religious symbols imply a connection between:

What type of religious structure is the Great Bath considered to be?

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