Flashcards on Renaissance: Art and Humanism

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What was the Renaissance?

A period of cultural rebirth in Europe during the 14th to 17th centuries.

What is humanism?

An intellectual movement that emphasized the worth and potential of individuals.

Who were the Medici family?

A wealthy and influential family in Renaissance Florence who supported artists and scholars.

Who painted the Mona Lisa?

Leonardo da Vinci.

Who sculpted the statue of David?


What is perspective in art?

A technique used to create the illusion of depth and three-dimensionality.

Who wrote 'The Prince'?

Niccolò Machiavelli

What is chiaroscuro?

The use of light and shadow to create contrast and depth in art.

What is the Sistine Chapel known for?

Its ceiling painted by Michelangelo.

Who was the leading sculptor of the High Renaissance?

Gian Lorenzo Bernini

What was the impact of the Renaissance on art?

It led to the development of new techniques, perspectives, and human-focused themes.

Which artist is known for his 'School of Athens' fresco?


What is a patron of the arts?

A person or group who financially supports artists and their work.

What is sfumato?

A painting technique that involves blending colors and tones to create soft edges.

What are some characteristics of Renaissance art?

Realism, emphasis on human anatomy, use of light and shadow.


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Test Your Knowledge

Who painted the Mona Lisa?

What is the Sistine Chapel known for?

Who sculpted the statue of David?

What is humanism?

What is perspective in art?

Who wrote 'The Prince'?

What is chiaroscuro?

Who was the leading sculptor of the High Renaissance?

Which artist is known for his 'School of Athens' fresco?

What is sfumato?

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