Flashcards on Respiratory System

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What is the main function of the respiratory system?

To exchange oxygen and carbon dioxide between the body and the air.

Which organ is responsible for oxygenating the blood?


What is the process called by which air enters the lungs?


What structures filter the incoming air and produce mucus to trap dust and pathogens?

Nose and nasal cavity

What is the muscular dome-shaped structure that separates the thoracic and abdominal cavities?


Which part of the respiratory system contains the vocal cords?


What are the tiny air sacs in the lungs where gas exchange occurs called?


What is the process called by which carbon dioxide is eliminated from the body?


Which gas is transported by red blood cells in the respiratory system?


Which part of the brain controls the basic rhythm of breathing?

Medulla oblongata

What is the medical term for difficulty in breathing?


Which tube connects the larynx to the lungs?


What is the name of the contagious respiratory infection caused by a virus?


Which structure covers the trachea while swallowing to prevent food from entering the airway?


What is the medical term for the windpipe?



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Test Your Knowledge

Which organ is responsible for oxygenating the blood?

What is the muscular dome-shaped structure that separates the thoracic and abdominal cavities?

Which part of the respiratory system contains the vocal cords?

What are the tiny air sacs in the lungs where gas exchange occurs called?

Which gas is transported by red blood cells in the respiratory system?

What is the medical term for difficulty in breathing?

Which tube connects the larynx to the lungs?

What is the name of the contagious respiratory infection caused by a virus?

Which structure covers the trachea while swallowing to prevent food from entering the airway?

What is the medical term for the windpipe?

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