Flashcards on Revolt of the Netherlands: Dutch Independence

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When did the Revolt of the Netherlands begin?


Who led the Revolt of the Netherlands?

William the Silent

Which country was ruling over the Netherlands during the revolt?


What were the main reasons for the revolt?

Religious differences and political oppression

What was the outcome of the Revolt of the Netherlands?

The Netherlands gained independence from Spain.

Who was the first leader of the independent Dutch Republic?

William the Silent

What was the name given to the Dutch rebels?


Why did the revolt spread throughout the Netherlands?

Oppression by the Spanish rulers and support for Protestantism

Which important event took place in 1581?

The Act of Abjuration was signed, declaring independence from Spain.

What major European power supported the Dutch in their revolt?


Which city became the capital of the independent Dutch Republic?


What was the significance of the Peace of Westphalia in 1648?

It recognized the independence of the Dutch Republic and ended the Eighty Years' War.

What was the Eighty Years' War?

A war fought between the Netherlands and Spain for Dutch independence.

Who became the leader of the Dutch Republic after the death of William the Silent?

Maurice of Nassau

What impact did the Dutch Revolt have on Europe?

It inspired other nations to fight for their independence and contributed to the decline of the Spanish Empire.


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Test Your Knowledge

When did the Revolt of the Netherlands begin?

Who led the Revolt of the Netherlands?

Which country was ruling over the Netherlands during the revolt?

What were the main reasons for the revolt?

What was the outcome of the Revolt of the Netherlands?

Who was the first leader of the independent Dutch Republic?

What major European power supported the Dutch in their revolt?

What was the significance of the Peace of Westphalia in 1648?

What was the Eighty Years' War?

What impact did the Dutch Revolt have on Europe?

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