Flashcards on Rigvedic Society and Culture

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What was the basic social unit in Rigvedic society?


Which metal was known to the people of the Rigvedic civilization?


What was the primary occupation of Rigvedic people?


Which class of society was responsible for conducting religious rituals?


What type of government was prevalent in Rigvedic society?


Which Rigvedic god was associated with war?


What were hymns in the Rigveda primarily composed for?

Praising deities

What was the name given to Rigvedic songs or hymns?


What was the term for the people or community in the Rigveda?


What was the Rigvedic assembly of nobles and warriors called?


What was used as a medium of exchange in the Rigvedic period for larger transactions?


How was the leader of a Rigvedic tribe referred to?


What was the drink mentioned in the Rigveda that was consumed during rituals?


Which river played a central role in the livelihood of Rigvedic people?


What was the social classification based on occupation called?

Varna system


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Test Your Knowledge

What was the most important occupation in Rigvedic society?

Who was the chief deity of war in Rigvedic culture?

Which social class was associated with conducting religious ceremonies?

The leader of a Rigvedic tribe was known as?

What term describes the Vedic hymns or songs?

Rigvedic society was organized into tribes called?

What was the name of the ritual drink mentioned in the Rigveda?

The primary metal known to Rigvedic peoples was?

Which river was highly significant to Rigvedic people?

What was used as a medium of exchange for larger transactions in Rigvedic society?

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