Flashcards on Rise of Absolutism in Europe

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What is absolutism?

Absolutism is a form of government where a monarch has complete control and authority over the state and its people.

Which countries in Europe saw the rise of absolutism?

Countries like France, Spain, and Russia experienced the rise of absolutism.

Who was Louis XIV?

Louis XIV, also known as the Sun King, was the King of France who epitomized absolutism.

What measures did absolutist rulers take to consolidate power?

Absolutist rulers implemented policies like expanding the military, centralizing administration, and suppressing noble privileges.

What impact did the rise of absolutism have on ordinary people?

The rise of absolutism often resulted in increased taxation, limited personal freedoms, and oppressive conditions for commoners.

Which monarch is associated with the quote, 'I am the state'?

Louis XIV of France is famously associated with the quote, 'I am the state.'

What role did religion play in the rise of absolutism?

Religion was often used by absolutist rulers to legitimize their authority and control over their subjects.

Who was Peter the Great?

Peter the Great was the Tsar of Russia who implemented Westernization reforms and strengthened absolutism in the country.

What factors contributed to the decline of absolutism in Europe?

Factors like revolutions, Enlightenment ideas, and the emergence of constitutional monarchies led to the decline of absolutism.

What is the Treaty of Westphalia?

The Treaty of Westphalia was a series of peace agreements that ended the Thirty Years' War and established the principle of state sovereignty.

Who was Cardinal Richelieu?

Cardinal Richelieu was a chief minister to Louis XIII of France and played a significant role in consolidating royal power.

In which century did absolutism reach its peak in Europe?

Absolutism reached its peak in Europe during the 17th century.

What is an absolute monarchy?

An absolute monarchy is a form of government where the monarch holds supreme authority and is not restricted by any laws or constitutions.

How did the rise of absolutism contribute to the centralization of power?

Absolutist rulers concentrated power in their own hands and reduced the influence of nobles, leading to centralized control.

What were some characteristics of absolutist rule?

Absolutist rule was characterized by strong centralized authority, censorship, and the suppression of dissenting voices.


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Test Your Knowledge

Which monarch is associated with the quote, 'I am the state'?

What is the Treaty of Westphalia?

Who was Peter the Great?

What impact did the rise of absolutism have on ordinary people?

What measures did absolutist rulers take to consolidate power?

Who was Cardinal Richelieu?

What role did religion play in the rise of absolutism?

What factors contributed to the decline of absolutism in Europe?

Which century saw the peak of absolutism in Europe?

What is absolutism?

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