Flashcards on Rotational Dynamics

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What is rotational dynamics?

The study of the motion and forces associated with rotating objects.

What is torque?

The rotational equivalent of force.

What is the formula for torque?

Torque = Force x Distance

What is angular acceleration?

The rate at which an object's rotational velocity changes.

What is the formula for angular acceleration?

Angular Acceleration = (Change in Angular Velocity) / (Time)

What is moment of inertia?

A measure of an object's resistance to changes in its rotational motion.

What is the formula for moment of inertia of a point mass?

Moment of Inertia = Mass x (Radius of Rotation)^2

What is rotational equilibrium?

When the net torque acting on an object is zero.

What is the condition for rotational equilibrium?

The sum of the clockwise torques must equal the sum of the counterclockwise torques.

What is angular momentum?

A property of rotating objects that depends on both their moment of inertia and their rotational velocity.

What is the formula for angular momentum?

Angular Momentum = Moment of Inertia x Angular Velocity

What is conservation of angular momentum?

The total angular momentum of a system remains constant if no external torques act on it.

What is centripetal force?

The inward force required to keep an object moving in a circular path.

What is the formula for centripetal force?

Centripetal Force = (Mass x (Velocity)^2) / Radius

What is angular displacement?

The change in the angle through which an object rotates.


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Test Your Knowledge

What is torque?

What is angular momentum?

What is centripetal force?

What is moment of inertia?

What is rotational equilibrium?

What is the formula for torque?

What is conservation of angular momentum?

What is angular acceleration?

What is the formula for moment of inertia of a point mass?

What is angular displacement?

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