Flashcards on Russian Revolution and Bolshevik Rule

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When did the Russian Revolution take place?


Who led the Bolshevik Party during the Russian Revolution?

Vladimir Lenin

What was the main cause of the Russian Revolution?

Social Inequality

Which event marked the start of the Russian Revolution?

Bloody Sunday

What was the outcome of the Russian Revolution?

The Bolsheviks seized power and established a communist government.

Who was the last emperor of Russia before the revolution?

Tsar Nicholas II

What was the name of the famous battleship that mutinied during the revolution?

HMS Potemkin

Which political group overthrew the Provisional Government?


What was the slogan of the Russian Revolution?

Peace, Land, and Bread

What was the name of the leader of the Red Army during the Russian Civil War?

Leon Trotsky

Which country provided military support to the anti-Bolshevik forces in the Russian Civil War?

United Kingdom

What was the new name given to Russia after the Bolsheviks took power?

Soviet Union

Who was the first leader of the Soviet Union?

Vladimir Lenin

What was the outcome of the Russian Civil War?

The Bolsheviks emerged victorious and consolidated their power.

What economic policy did Lenin introduce in the Soviet Union?

New Economic Policy (NEP)


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Which event marked the start of the Russian Revolution?

Who led the Bolshevik Party during the Russian Revolution?

What was the slogan of the Russian Revolution?

When did the Russian Revolution take place?

Who was the last emperor of Russia before the revolution?

What was the main cause of the Russian Revolution?

Which country provided military support to the anti-Bolshevik forces in the Russian Civil War?

What was the outcome of the Russian Revolution?

What was the name of the famous battleship that mutinied during the revolution?

What was the new name given to Russia after the Bolsheviks took power?

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