Flashcards on Schengen Agreement: Free Movement of People

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What is the Schengen Agreement?

An agreement that allows people to travel freely within the Schengen area without passport control.

Which countries are part of the Schengen area?

26 European countries including France, Germany, Italy, and Spain.

When was the Schengen Agreement signed?

The agreement was signed on June 14, 1985.

What is the main purpose of the Schengen Agreement?

To promote the free movement of people within Europe and enhance cooperation between countries.

Do all EU countries participate in the Schengen Agreement?

No, not all EU countries are part of the Schengen area.

What are the advantages of the Schengen Agreement?

It allows for easier travel, tourism, and business opportunities within the participating countries.

How does the Schengen Agreement affect border controls?

It eliminates systematic border controls between participating countries.

Has the Schengen Agreement faced any challenges?

Yes, the migration crisis in recent years has put pressure on the agreement and led to debates about its effectiveness.

Can non-Schengen country citizens travel within the Schengen area without a visa?

It depends on their nationality and visa requirements.

Is the United Kingdom part of the Schengen Agreement?

No, the United Kingdom is not part of the Schengen area.

What happens if a Schengen area country reintroduces border controls?

Temporary border controls can be reintroduced in exceptional circumstances, such as security threats or major events.

Has the Schengen area expanded over the years?

Yes, more countries have joined the Schengen area since its establishment.

What is the Schengen visa?

A visa that allows non-Schengen country citizens to travel within the Schengen area for a limited period.

Is the Schengen Agreement only about free movement of people?

No, it also covers cooperation in areas such as law enforcement and judicial cooperation.

What is the Schengen Information System?

A shared database for security and border management purposes within the Schengen area.


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Test Your Knowledge

Which countries are part of the Schengen area?

When was the Schengen Agreement signed?

What is the main purpose of the Schengen Agreement?

Do all EU countries participate in the Schengen Agreement?

What are the advantages of the Schengen Agreement?

Has the Schengen Agreement faced any challenges?

Can non-Schengen country citizens travel within the Schengen area without a visa?

Is the United Kingdom part of the Schengen Agreement?

What happens if a Schengen area country reintroduces border controls?

What is the Schengen visa?

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