Flashcards on Seismic Waves

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What are seismic waves?

Vibrations that travel through the Earth's interior when an earthquake occurs.

What are the two main types of seismic waves?

P-waves (Primary or Pressure waves) and S-waves (Secondary or Shear waves).

What is the speed of P-waves compared to S-waves?

Faster than S-waves.

What is the nature of P-waves?

Compressional waves that cause particles to move back and forth in the same direction as the wave.

In which layers of the Earth can P-waves travel through?

Both solid and liquid layers of the Earth.

Can P-waves travel through the Earth's core?


What is the speed of S-waves compared to P-waves?

Slower than P-waves.

What is the nature of S-waves?

Transverse waves that cause particles to move perpendicular to the wave direction.

In which layers of the Earth can S-waves travel through?

Only solid layers of the Earth.

Can S-waves travel through the Earth's core?


What are surface waves?

Waves that move along the Earth's surface and are slower than P and S-waves.

What causes most of the destruction during an earthquake?

Surface waves.

What instrument is used to detect and record seismic waves?


How do seismic waves behave as they pass through different materials?

Seismic waves can refract, reflect, and diffract.

Why is studying seismic waves important?

It helps in earthquake prediction, understanding the Earth's structure, and locating natural resources.

How can understanding seismic waves help in building construction?

It helps in building construction that can withstand earthquakes.


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Test Your Knowledge

Which type of seismic wave is faster?

Which type of seismic wave can travel through the Earth's core?

What kind of waves are P-waves?

Which seismic waves can travel through both solid and liquid layers of the Earth?

What causes most of the destruction during an earthquake?

What do seismographs detect and record?

How do seismic waves behave as they pass through different materials?

What is the primary purpose of studying seismic waves?

How can understanding seismic waves help in earthquake preparedness?

Why is understanding seismic waves important in locating natural resources?

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