Flashcards on Sensory Systems

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Which sensory system is responsible for detecting sound?

The auditory system

Which sensory system allows us to perceive taste?

The gustatory system

Which sensory system helps us maintain balance and spatial orientation?

The vestibular system

Which sensory system allows us to detect changes in temperature and pain?

The nociceptive system

Which sensory system is responsible for our sense of smell?

The olfactory system

Which sensory system allows us to perceive touch, pressure, and vibration?

The somatosensory system

Which sensory system allows us to see and perceive visual information?

The visual system

Which sensory system enables us to perceive the position and movement of our body parts?

The proprioceptive system

Which sensory system helps us detect changes in pressure and sound waves?

The mechanosensory system

Which sensory system allows us to perceive the sense of taste?

The gustatory system

Which sensory system helps us perceive the sense of touch?

The haptic system

Which sensory system is responsible for detecting changes in body temperature?

The thermoreceptive system

Which sensory system allows us to detect changes in humidity and water temperature?

The hydrosensory system

Which sensory system enables us to perceive the position and movement of our head?

The head position system

Which sensory system helps us perceive the sense of taste?

The gustatory system


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Which sensory system is responsible for detecting sound?

Which sensory system allows us to perceive taste?

Which sensory system helps us maintain balance and spatial orientation?

Which sensory system allows us to detect changes in temperature and pain?

Which sensory system is responsible for our sense of smell?

Which sensory system allows us to perceive touch, pressure, and vibration?

Which sensory system allows us to see and perceive visual information?

Which sensory system enables us to perceive the position and movement of our body parts?

Which sensory system helps us detect changes in pressure and sound waves?

Which sensory system allows us to perceive the sense of smell?

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