Flashcards on Serbian Language Basics

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How do you say 'hello' in Serbian?


How do you ask 'How are you?' in Serbian?

Kako si?

How do you respond to 'How are you?' in Serbian?

Dobro sam.

What is the Serbian word for 'thank you'?


How do you say 'sorry' in Serbian?


How do you ask 'Where is the bathroom?' in Serbian?

Gde je toalet?

How do you say 'I don't understand' in Serbian?

Ne razumem

What is the Serbian word for 'yes'?


What is the Serbian word for 'no'?


How do you say 'goodbye' in Serbian?


How do you ask 'What is your name?' in Serbian?

Kako se zoveš?

How do you say 'My name is [name]' in Serbian?

Zovem se [name]

What is the Serbian word for 'good morning'?

Dobro jutro

What is the Serbian word for 'good night'?

Laku noć

How do you ask 'Where is the nearest restaurant?' in Serbian?

Gde je najbliži restoran?


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Test Your Knowledge

How do you say 'hello' in Serbian?

What is the Serbian word for 'thank you'?

How do you ask 'How are you?' in Serbian?

How do you say 'goodbye' in Serbian?

What is the Serbian word for 'yes'?

How do you say 'I don't understand' in Serbian?

What is the Serbian word for 'no'?

How do you ask 'Where is the bathroom?' in Serbian?

What is the Serbian word for 'good morning'?

How do you ask 'What is your name?' in Serbian?

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