Flashcards on Shivaji's Guerrilla Warfare Tactics

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What type of terrain was extensively used by Shivaji for guerrilla tactics?

Mountainous terrain

What is the name given to the mobile and swiftly-assembling infantry employed by Shivaji?


What was the characteristic feature of guerrilla warfare that Shivaji applied?

Surprise attacks

Which fort was the capital of Shivaji's kingdom?


What name was given to swift cavalry raids conducted by Shivaji?

Ganimi Kava

How did Shivaji secure his forts?

Using natural terrain and fortifications

What was an essential skill that Shivaji's soldiers were trained in for guerrilla warfare?

Climbing steep slopes

Which Mughal general did Shivaji outmaneuver using guerrilla tactics?

Shaista Khan

What was the ultimate goal of Shivaji’s guerrilla tactics against larger armies?

To weaken the enemy

How did Shivaji ensure quick dissemination of orders?

Using a network of spies

What did Shivaji’s troops carry to ensure they were not encumbered?

Light equipment

What role did local populace play in Shivaji’s guerrilla warfare?

Informants and supporters

What did Shivaji's troops use to navigate through hidden routes?

Guides from local tribes

What would Shivaji offer to commanders of enemy forts to gain control without a fight?

Bribes or a share in his kingdom

What strategic element of forts in the Deccan plateau was employed by Shivaji?

Height advantage


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Test Your Knowledge

What kind of attacks were central to Shivaji's guerrilla warfare?

Where was Shivaji's guerrilla warfare primarily conducted?

Who were the 'Mavala' in context of Shivaji's army?

What term did Shivaji use for his style of rapid cavalry movements?

How did Shivaji manage to keep his forts secure?

What was Shivaji's method for quickly spreading commands throughout his troops?

What was a crucial skill of Shivaji's soldiers that aided their guerrilla warfare?

Shivaji’s strategy for dealing with enemy forts without a fight involved:

Who among the following did Shivaji famously defeat using his guerrilla tactics?

Which feature of the Deccan plateau forts was tactically used by Shivaji?

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