Flashcards on Simón Bolívar

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When was Simón Bolívar born?

24 July 1783

What is Simón Bolívar also known as?

The Liberator

In which countries did Simón Bolívar play a key role in achieving independence?

Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia

What was the name of the army led by Simón Bolívar during the independence wars?

The Army of Liberation

Which European country was the primary colonial power in South America during Simón Bolívar's lifetime?


What was the name of the treaty that ended the independence wars in South America?

Treaty of Guayaquil

How many times did Simón Bolívar become the President of Gran Colombia?


What was the main ideology behind Simón Bolívar's vision for South America?


What is the name of the square in Caracas that is dedicated to Simón Bolívar?

Plaza Bolívar

What is the name of the mountain range that Simón Bolívar crossed with his army during the independence wars?

The Andes

What is the name of the political philosophy that Simón Bolívar advocated for?


In which year did Simón Bolívar die?


What is the current name of the country that used to be known as Upper Peru, which was renamed in honor of Simón Bolívar?


What was the name of the person who was one of Simón Bolívar's closest allies and who played a key role in the liberation of Ecuador?

Antonio José de Sucre

What is the name of the monument dedicated to Simón Bolívar that stands in the center of Bogotá, Colombia?

Bolívar Square

When was Simón Bolívar born?

24 July 1783

What is Simón Bolívar also known as?

The Liberator

In which countries did Simón Bolívar play a key role in achieving independence?

Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia

What was the name of the army led by Simón Bolívar during the independence wars?

The Army of Liberation

Which European country was the primary colonial power in South America during Simón Bolívar's lifetime?


What was the name of the treaty that ended the independence wars in South America?

Treaty of Guayaquil

How many times did Simón Bolívar become the President of Gran Colombia?


What was the main ideology behind Simón Bolívar's vision for South America?


What is the name of the square in Caracas that is dedicated to Simón Bolívar?

Plaza Bolívar

What is the name of the mountain range that Simón Bolívar crossed with his army during the independence wars?

The Andes

What is the name of the political philosophy that Simón Bolívar advocated for?


In which year did Simón Bolívar die?


What is the current name of the country that used to be known as Upper Peru, which was renamed in honor of Simón Bolívar?


What was the name of the person who was one of Simón Bolívar's closest allies and who played a key role in the liberation of Ecuador?

Antonio José de Sucre

What is the name of the monument dedicated to Simón Bolívar that stands in the center of Bogotá, Colombia?

Bolívar Square


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